Saltee Islands, Kilmore Quay – Two wonderful islands just a few miles offshore. The Saltee Islands are of major historic and or ornithological interest.
As long ago as 3500 years there were people on these islands . There are traces of an ancient grave, an ogham stone and traces of what appear to be ring forts . In later years there ancient Christian hermits. Vikings, the Normans and the Medieval monks were there too. In more recent times small communities of farmers and fishermen lived there during the summer months.
PIRATES? Of course there where pirates there too ! ‘! The south Wexford coast looks across one of the most important trading routes from Europe to the New world. Historians say pirates from Spain, France, North Africa and America plundered the busy merchant ships within sight of the islands. Smugglers used the hidden coves and caves to lie in wait for their prey
During the Wexford rising in 1798 2 of the leaders of the rebellion hid in one of the caves awaiting a boat to take them to France. However , they were captured and taken to Wexford Bridge where they were hanged.
On a more pleasant note the islands are an internationally famous bird sanctuary. A trip there is a must. Googling for more info will be most rewarding.